The article discusses Allisone, a biochemic nerve tonic salt that is helpful for a variety of issues related to the nervous system and the heart. Kali Phos is a wonderful nerve tonic and de-stress salt that supports wellbeing and vitality, assists concentration and study, and prevents decay of tissues. Every household should have this salt in their kit!
The biochemic brain and sensory nerve nutrient, Kali Phos supports the function of the nervous system and the heart. A wonderful nerve tonic and de-stress salt, it promotes wellbeing and vitality, and assists concentration and study.
Biochemic Mode of Action:
Kali Phos is primarily found in the brain, sensory nerves, muscles and red blood cells. A deficiency results in a loss of physical, intellectual and psychological power and can lead to despondency or a lack of interest in life. It also has an antiseptic action and prevents decay of the tissues. Every household should have this tissue salt in their kit!
Kali Phos is indicated to assist:
Exam stress
Poor concentration or memory
Age related memory loss senior moments
Noise or light sensitivity
Sensory nerve disorders
Foul-smelling sweat or secretion
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